segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2017

Cry • O • Sphere with Container 47 - An Interview

Caos hipnótico, mantras negros, psicodelismo cortante, sem absolutamente nenhum apelo ao flower power, o negócio aqui é sombras, repetição, hipnose e uma sensação doentia de claustrofobia constante.

Estamos falando de uma das bandas mais importantes da Itália dos últimos 15 anos, o Container 47 tem uma longa trajetória, passando por todos os atributos e características descritas acima.

Conexões diretas para situar você leitor, posso citar, Loop, NEU!, DNA, Big Black, Red Lorry Yello Lorry e mais recentemente o Dead Skeletos, estas são as possíveis direções sonoras do que o quarteto de Pesaro mais se enquadra.

"Cry • O • Sphere" o recente trabalho lançado a pouco menos de 10 dias é psicoticamente hipnótico e escuro.

Definitivamente não recomendado a indie kids.

***** Interview with Container 47 *****

Q. When did Container 47 start? Tell us about the history...
The containers are born about 15 years old. During an improvised recording in the studio of a well-known Pesaro producer, after various training changes and a debut at Arezzo Wave festival , the band stabilizes on the current elements .

Q: Who are your influences?
The influences are so much from the no wave from new york to the dark noise at the pichedelia at now there is not a band in particular we refer to .

Q. Make a list of 5 albuns of all time…
For citing 5 albums i would say the first of the velvet underground, the second of the velvet underground, sonic youth confusion is the sex ,bauhaus in the flat flied, the first album of the neu and autoban krafwerk .

Q. How do you feel playing live?
Playing live we feel very good .

Q. How do you describe Container 47 sounds?
The sound of the containers 47 is now like a continuous stream, we like the mantra style songs and hypnotic sounds .

Q: Tell us about the process of recording the songs ?
The recording process is fairly free in the sense that we start from a groove and develop from there our songs .

Q. Which new bands do you recommend?
The band we recommend is the dead skeletons, which we say hello .

Q: Which band would you love to made a cover version of?
The band we would like to cover are the einstuerzende neubauten or tuxedomoon .

Q: What are your plans for the future?
The plans for the future are making many European and even Americans tours, and many other albums